Maya Angelou's Human Design Chart
Maya Angelou, an activist, the author of the book “I know Why the Caged Bird Sing” and the second poet to read at a Presidential Inauguration, is a 6/2 Splenic Manifestor.
A woman of strength and perseverance, Maya Angelou is someone who will always stand up no matter what life has just thrown at her. She is also here to show us how to withstand the unexpected with self-control and focus.
With 56.5, the storytelling gate, Maya Angelou has the ability to use words to open up your imaginations for possibilities and to use words to catch your attentions.
As a 6/2, Maya Angelou is here to experience life in a more intense way, especially before 30, and then share with us the lessons she picked up along the way and also to show us how one can move through life with calm, confidence and grace, especially after 50.
As a Manifestor, together with the gate 53 and gate 51, Maya Angelou is here to be the first. Maya Angelou is the first female African-American cable car conductor and the first African-American female members of the Directors Guild of America.
Maya Angelou has a contagious personality and whatever she is enthusiastic about, she studied them in depth.
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”, said Maya Angelou.